YAHWEH YIREH (The Lord is My Provider)

Genesis 22:1-14

How many times have I claimed, “God will provide,” but deep in my heart held onto doubt and unbelief? Too many times! LORD, forgive me. Your very name YAHWEH YIREH speaks of your ability–and determination–to provide.  Part of your character is to lovingly provide for your children.

From the Hebrew word raah, which means to see, comes the word “Yireh,” which in this case is translated to provide.  “The English word provision is made up of two Latin words that mean to see beforehand.  When we pray to YAHWEH YIREH, we are praying to the God who sees the situation beforehand and who is able to provide for our needs.” (p.38)

A prayer to YAHWEH-YIREH:

Your resources are unlimited; they are vast and rich. Your Spirit is generous and compassionate. What a combination! Broaden my thinking beyond imagining provision in monetary or material ways. You do promise abundant life (John 10:10) but I am convinced that is referring infinitely more to a spiritual and emotional quality, rather than physical or financial comforts. (After all, thousands of saints around the world and throughout history had/have none of these worldly comforts or material possessions or financial success, and yet the receive a crown of glory that far outweighs any suffering endured in this lifetime.)

You are my Provider. You promise to supply ALL of my needs according to Your riches in heaven in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:19) (Math. 6:31-33)

Abraham invoked Your title YAHWEH-YIREH at the mountain Moriah. What emotions that great patriarch must have experienced–binding up his only son, beloved child of a long awaited promise, laying him on an altar and raising the knife in preparation to sacrifice him out of obedience to God’s commands. I can imagine his tear stained, anguished face. Both of his hands on the knife raised high above his head, eyes clenched tightly so he couldn’t see his son’s confused and terrified face. And then, the voice of the Angel of God, “Abraham! Stop!” What sweet music to his ears to hear the bleating of the ram in the thicket. 

Do you imagine young Isaac was impressed that day with the LORD as his provider? I would think so!  And of course it reminded me of the ultimate sacrifial lamb which YAHWEH YIREH provided in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Physically, Mount Calvary is only 1/4 mile away from this incident at Mt. Moriah.  Quite a foreshadowing!

Oh Father, increase my faith, increase my confidence in You as my Source, my Provider, for every need, YAHWEH-YIREH.

About sheilalloydlive

Woman after the heart of God through the vehicle of worship music. Wife. Mom. Sister. Friend. Come see life through my eyes...
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